
Marriage: Watch and Learn

Marriage: Watch and Learn

A Talk from the April 2013 General Conference. It is filled with much advice on the prospect of marriage. Watch and learn.

Click photo for talk


Our Responsibility to Rescue

Our Responsibility to Rescue

Every day you make decisions, and each decision, whether you realize it or not, brings you closer or takes you farther away from Christ. And as we strive each and every day to make the correct choices, those around us make decisions as well. Some choose to do the right, while others choose to strive deeper down a dark path.

It is truly sad when those we love make choices that are not in harmony with the Savior’s teachings. What can you do? How can you help those who are Lost, or abandoning hope?

A quote from President Monson:

“Consider the lost among the aged, the widowed, and the sick. All too often they are found in the parched and desolate wilderness of isolation called loneliness. When youth departs, when health declines, when vigor wanes, when the light of hope flickers ever so dimly, they can be succored and sustained by the hand that helps and the heart that knows compassion.”

“There are, of course, others who need rescue. Some struggle with sin while others wander in fear or apathy or ignorance. For whatever reason, they have isolated themselves from activity in the Church. And they will almost certainly remain lost unless there awakens in us—the active members of the Church—a desire to rescue and to save.”

So what can you really do to rescue and save those who need saving?

First, Be an example for them to look too. When you are standing solid on the rock of the Savior, only then can you be steady enough to pull them on without being pulled off.

Second, show them the eternal possibilities that are here for them to give them Joy. Think of the Joy and happiness you have felt as you actively served those around you. Now think of others experiencing that same joy.

Lastly, Love your neighbor as yourself. The best thing you can do is follow Christ’s example and just love them. Each action of love toward them will leave a little bit of the light of Christ to press upon them, and you will see the seeds of renewing faith grow in the fertile ground of your love and the Savior’s charity.

It all hinges on love. When you love Christ, you will have no problem loving everyone. And you will be so willing to serve them. And to rescue the Lost sheep.

I bare my testimony, that as you take the time to seek out those you know that need a helping hand, and take the time to help them, You will feel the greatest joy in the world. There is no greater feeling then the one you get when you have a part in saving a soul.

Who are you thinking of?