
The Doctrine of Jesus Christ

The Doctrine of Jesus Christ

“For behold, this is my work and my glory – to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” – Moses 1:39

God’s whole purpose and work, his glory, is to bring to pass our lives forever, and our happiness forever. All that he as made, does, and will do, is for this purpose. I love to look at the stars when i think of this, to think, that all those little specks of glorious light are for me and you.

Now because God loves us so much, he has given us quite a lot for us to by happy and achieve eternal life. For one, he created us the earth for us to inhabit, and has given us our bodies for us to experience the world we live in. He has also given us our families.

He has also given us a plan. Central to this plan is his son Jesus Christ.

This plan is called the Doctrine or Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is very simple, and only has 5 main steps to follow.

1. Faith

2. Repentance

3. Baptism

4. Receiving the Holy Ghost

5. Enduring to the End

– Return to your Father –

Lets break these down over the next few days.

First off Faith.


Eyes to see

Eyes to see

Click on the photo to watch a super amazing video on Charity.

As you interact with many people each day, Do you take the time to look at them as the Savior does? To look deep into their eyes and to pray to know what that person is in need of, and then to smile and offer a act of kindness, and gesture of love, a helping hand.

Do you have eyes to see the struggles that those you know and love are facing each and every day? Or do you worry about your own sorrow, your own situation, your own “limited” circumstance? Or do you sacrifice your time and love for those around you and serve, with love and charity infused in your actions of pure intent?

Life is hard! But guess what? Everyone is going through trials like you are! So why not lessen another burden and as they see your act of kindness, they may act likewise and help another. And sooner or later, you will be blessed many times in turn.

I testify that as we truly share our love with those around us, We will feel happier in our lives and God will smile down upon us, and shower the blessings as the dew of heaven to our feet.


Making good Timber

Making the most of yourself

Good timber does not grow with ease,
The stronger wind, the stronger trees.
The further sky, the greater length.
The more the storm, the more the strength.
By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
In trees and men good timbers grow.

– Douglas Malloch, “Good Timber,” in Sterling W. Sill, Making the Most of Yourself (1971), 23.

Are the trials we face curses that God has places to hedge up our way? Or are they gifts, given to us so that we can strengthen our minds and our hearts to endure and learn?

Many have said the perspective is everything. The way you look at things determine their outcome. But the afflictions we face cannot just be looked at and ignored. They come flying at us, and we must cope and adapt to continue on.

But how? How do we understand each stressful bubble that comes into our lives?

Why not ask someone that understands absolutely everything and knows it all?

That principle is called Prayer.

Prayer – communication with your heavenly father.

It is not complicated, and is not hard. We can pray at any time, and in any place. Just talk to your father who is listening.

As your relationship is strengthened, and you realize who you are (A son or daughter of your Heavenly Father), you will begin to understand that !everything! you face in your life is for your benefit and your experience. It is so that when the time comes far from now and you are to return to your father, you will be so much stronger then when you left.

So learn now that the challenges are supposed to make you stronger. So rely on your father, and let them improve you.


Daily Bread

Daily Bread

An important lesson is to be learned from the Israelites as they wandered in the wilderness. The Lord fed them with manna each and every day. He did this so that they would remember him, and realize their dependence on them. As we take the sacrament each week, we remember the Savior and his sacrifice for us. And as we pray each day, we plead with the Lord for help, strength, and understanding. If the Lord really wanted to, He could bless us all at once and we would never have to ask for anything again. But he doesn’t so that we will remember him.

The Strength you are given each day is to be used for good, to be used to serve and love. And as we go good things with our time and strength, we are changed to become more like Jesus Christ. But this change is not an instant one. And we rarely see the changes happen. But when we look back and see the difference on then to now. We will be surprised to see the growth that we have made.

Let us use our time wisely, and constantly rely on the Lord for our strength and assistance.

Click photo for video.


Mission Life

Mission Life

Click the photo to read the article.

This article pretty much describes what I do each and every day, for 2 years. I encourage you to read it to better understand what I am doing, and to help me fulfill my purpose of inviting people to come unto Christ by sending me a message on Facebook, so I can help you and those you know Increase their faith in our Savior.


Forgiveness: My Burden Was Made Light

Forgiveness: My Burden Was Made Light

Click the Photo for the video.

This is a amazingly remarkable experience of man who relied on the Atonement.

I am glad of the Plan of Salvation that our Heavenly Father has given us. That I have the knowledge to know that I can live with my family forever in happiness. And all I have to do is follow his commandments. What a simple thing to do for such everlasting happiness.


Our Responsibility to Rescue

Our Responsibility to Rescue

Every day you make decisions, and each decision, whether you realize it or not, brings you closer or takes you farther away from Christ. And as we strive each and every day to make the correct choices, those around us make decisions as well. Some choose to do the right, while others choose to strive deeper down a dark path.

It is truly sad when those we love make choices that are not in harmony with the Savior’s teachings. What can you do? How can you help those who are Lost, or abandoning hope?

A quote from President Monson:

“Consider the lost among the aged, the widowed, and the sick. All too often they are found in the parched and desolate wilderness of isolation called loneliness. When youth departs, when health declines, when vigor wanes, when the light of hope flickers ever so dimly, they can be succored and sustained by the hand that helps and the heart that knows compassion.”

“There are, of course, others who need rescue. Some struggle with sin while others wander in fear or apathy or ignorance. For whatever reason, they have isolated themselves from activity in the Church. And they will almost certainly remain lost unless there awakens in us—the active members of the Church—a desire to rescue and to save.”

So what can you really do to rescue and save those who need saving?

First, Be an example for them to look too. When you are standing solid on the rock of the Savior, only then can you be steady enough to pull them on without being pulled off.

Second, show them the eternal possibilities that are here for them to give them Joy. Think of the Joy and happiness you have felt as you actively served those around you. Now think of others experiencing that same joy.

Lastly, Love your neighbor as yourself. The best thing you can do is follow Christ’s example and just love them. Each action of love toward them will leave a little bit of the light of Christ to press upon them, and you will see the seeds of renewing faith grow in the fertile ground of your love and the Savior’s charity.

It all hinges on love. When you love Christ, you will have no problem loving everyone. And you will be so willing to serve them. And to rescue the Lost sheep.

I bare my testimony, that as you take the time to seek out those you know that need a helping hand, and take the time to help them, You will feel the greatest joy in the world. There is no greater feeling then the one you get when you have a part in saving a soul.

Who are you thinking of?