Cherry Blossoms and Tooth Aches


This last week we had the chance to see the cherry blossoms of DC before they all disappeared.

Our roommates came with us, but one of them had his tooth pulled earlier that same day. So he was in pain, and not in the greatest of spirits. I walked with him through the Cherry Blossoms, thanking the Lord for the wonderful blessings I had in my life, and thanking him for watching out for me. My dear friend was a little preoccupied to look on the bright side of things. Understandable.

As you walk through life, do you see the magnificent blossoms of the blessings and tender mercies of the Lord around you?

Or do you focus on the pain?

This life was not meant to be soft and squishy. It was meant to be a little rough, so that we can learn, and grow.

But through these trials, we need to always remember that there is a bright finish, and shining light along the way.

So remember to look heavenward, patiently wait, and strive on. 


General Conference!

General Conference!

Ever wondered if God still talked to man?

Well, on April 5th and 6th, at 10am MDT, you can listen to his Prophet, Thomas S. Monson, and the General Authorities that preside in his church.

This event is called General Conference, and it happens twice a year.

As you listen to them, you will realize that they are servants of Jesus Christ. Your testimony of our Lord and Savior will deepen and you will feel God’s love in your life.

Are you ready to listen?


Why is family so important to Mormons?

Why is family so important to Mormons?

Our families provide a setting for much of the growth we experience in life.

In our families we love, serve, teach, and learn from each other. We share our joys and our sorrows. Family ties may bring us difficult challenges, but they also give us strength and some of our greatest happiness.

The family is central to God’s plan for His children. It is also the central unit of society and the means for bringing children into the world where they can be loved, provided for, and taught truth and righteousness (see “The Family: A Proclamation to the World”).

While we cannot choose the conditions of our birth, we can choose each day to make our families stronger and happier. It is possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally.

I would like to testify of the importance of family. I spend many a days looking for a family to teach the gospel too. Why a family? Because a family can support each other, a family can grow together, and remind each other of the promises they have made. They can find the Joy of Gospel of Jesus Christ together, and seeing that happen, seeing a family change for the better is a truly beautiful thing.

A happy family makes for a happy life.




“Because He came, there is meaning to our mortal existence.

The Christmas season is a time to reflect and act upon the blessings and opportunities we have because of the birth, life, Atonement, and Resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. As our Heavenly Father “so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son” (John 3:16), we express our love toward one another and toward God and his precious Son by giving of ourselves.

So what are you willing to give to those around you. the Lord, and Jesus Christ?

A hand to those in need?

A hand to further the work of the Lord?

A voice to tell those that matter most you love them?

A voice to pray to him who loves you most?

When we take the time to center the Savior in our lives we start to develop his attributes. We start to become more like our Big Brother.

Even though Christmas has past, we should always be looking for opportunities to serve and love the Lord. This should be our biggest priority in the New Year.

I testify that as we start to reach out to those in need around us, we can experience happiness and joy. Even a fullness of joy. That only comes when we serve and love.


Marriage: Watch and Learn

Marriage: Watch and Learn

A Talk from the April 2013 General Conference. It is filled with much advice on the prospect of marriage. Watch and learn.

Click photo for talk




What is faith?

To have faith is to “hope for things which are not seen, which are true” (see Book of Mormon, Alma 32:21 and Hebrews 11:1). Each day you act upon things you hope for, even before you see the end result. This is similar to faith.

Faith in God is more than a theoretical belief in Him. To have faith in God is to trust Him, to have confidence in Him, and to be willing to act on your belief in Him. It is a principle of action and power.

The Book of Mormon prophet Alma compared faith to a seed. If you plant a seed and nourish it, if it is a good seed it will grow and eventually bear fruit (Alma 32:28-43). It is the same with faith. If you are obedient to God’s commandments, study His word, and have a desire to believe in Christ, faith will grow inside of you.

As this faith grows inside you, It becomes unwavering and a firm foundation. Faith in Christ brings salvation. Because true faith brings results.

The results of true faith is repentance.

That’s tomorrow.


The Doctrine of Jesus Christ

The Doctrine of Jesus Christ

“For behold, this is my work and my glory – to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” – Moses 1:39

God’s whole purpose and work, his glory, is to bring to pass our lives forever, and our happiness forever. All that he as made, does, and will do, is for this purpose. I love to look at the stars when i think of this, to think, that all those little specks of glorious light are for me and you.

Now because God loves us so much, he has given us quite a lot for us to by happy and achieve eternal life. For one, he created us the earth for us to inhabit, and has given us our bodies for us to experience the world we live in. He has also given us our families.

He has also given us a plan. Central to this plan is his son Jesus Christ.

This plan is called the Doctrine or Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is very simple, and only has 5 main steps to follow.

1. Faith

2. Repentance

3. Baptism

4. Receiving the Holy Ghost

5. Enduring to the End

– Return to your Father –

Lets break these down over the next few days.

First off Faith.


Eyes to see

Eyes to see

Click on the photo to watch a super amazing video on Charity.

As you interact with many people each day, Do you take the time to look at them as the Savior does? To look deep into their eyes and to pray to know what that person is in need of, and then to smile and offer a act of kindness, and gesture of love, a helping hand.

Do you have eyes to see the struggles that those you know and love are facing each and every day? Or do you worry about your own sorrow, your own situation, your own “limited” circumstance? Or do you sacrifice your time and love for those around you and serve, with love and charity infused in your actions of pure intent?

Life is hard! But guess what? Everyone is going through trials like you are! So why not lessen another burden and as they see your act of kindness, they may act likewise and help another. And sooner or later, you will be blessed many times in turn.

I testify that as we truly share our love with those around us, We will feel happier in our lives and God will smile down upon us, and shower the blessings as the dew of heaven to our feet.